Ever since I can remember, I’ve been a meddler of words. I like writing about fear and emotion – the cause and effect of crime – what makes a character do something.
Working as a housing officer for eight years gave me the background to create a fictional estate full of good and bad characters, The Estate Series.
But I’m a romantic at heart and have always enjoyed writing about characters that aren't necessarily involved in the darker side of life.
Coffee, cakes and friends are three of my favourite things, hence writing under the name of Marcie Steele too.
Writing as Marcie Steele, I have three books that have been published before. However, I’ve changed all three to make them into a series set in the same place, the fictional market town of Somerley.
Stirred with Love is the original title for book one, but book two and three have changed, along with all the covers. Book two was titled The Little Market Stall of Hope and Heartbreak and is now Secrets, Lies & and Love. Book three was titled The Second Chance Shoe Shop and is now Second Chances at Love.
I made them into a series as I started a spin-off, The Hope Street Series. The Somerley Series were originally three separate books, so I linked them all together by mentioning certain places, pubs, businesses that all the characters frequented. And then I created a street from that.
I feel now that Marcie is very much a nod to The Estate Series. All Marcie's books are set on streets in a small town but with, let's just say, a nicer clientele!
So as Marcie, I write stories, full of warm people, loving relationships, and charming friends – well, most of the time. I write about people who fall in and out of love, have good friends to share their happy and sad moments with, and live in communities with great spirit.
Down-to-earth stories, about day-to-day life. I lovingly call them chick-grit.
Have you read Marcie Steele? Did you like them? Did you see 'Mel' in them? I'd love to know what you thought.
1. I’m quite small without my high heels.
2. Even though I am well known for writing books about friendship and romance, I also write gritty psychological thrillers and police procedurals.
3. I have a terrier named Dexter, after the TV serial killer, Dexter Morgan.
4. I have written 20 books so far, two of those written and due to be published in 2020. Fifteen of these are on under my own name, Mel Sherratt, and five are as Marcie Steele.
5. At Harrogate Crime Festival, I was fortunate enough to meet Olivia Colman. Olivia is one of my heroines and she often plays characters similar to those that I have in some of my books. My favourite possession now is a selfie with her, that she took.
6. I do not like the dark. I think this is the writer in me, because I have too much of a vivid imagination.
7. I have over 50 pairs of shoes. I know, I know, but I can't throw them away!
8. I used to be a housing officer for the local authority, which is where I get my background for my series, The Estate Series. I’m often asked if I have used any real cases that I have worked on and my answer is always no. There are enough stories in the news and in women’s magazines for me to never run out of ideas.
9. I come from Stoke-on-Trent, the same city as Robbie Williams originated from. I have never met Robbie but I do know his dad personally, so one day I hope to meet the man himself.
10. Did I mention my love of high heels? The higher the better, although sadly, due to a dodgy hip, I can’t always wear them now. But I am a firm believer that when I wear high heels and lippie, I can take on the world. Despite wearing flats, I don’t feel dressed without them...