This week has been a productive side on the word count. I've been at my desk every day, and I'm quite enjoying what I'm writing. I say this because I'm at the first draft stage, the fun part. It's when I start the editing that it gets hard. Where I take my words and try to make sense of them - cut, paste, swap around, add to, twist a little.
I'm not sure when the next in the Marsha Clay series will be out as I am writing a Marcie Steele book next. But I'll let you know when I start to work on it.

As usual, when I get my head down, there isn't much to report. Missing Girls is going great guns at the moment. Thank you to anyone who has left a review - it's had well over 300 reviews during its first three weeks, and I'm pleased to say that it's getting a good reception.
I've even had a bookshop in Leek, where the new series is loosely set, ask about stocking it as people have been coming in to ask about it. That's always love to hear - good old word of mouth.
I'm also deciding how to move forward with this weekly blog, and the website too. As I write under two names. I want to share what I'm doing as Marcie and as Mel. Sometimes they will overlap. Other times, things will be one at a time. So I'm designing some pages to add to encompass the two.
Flip Back Friday
This one might give you a giggle.
Until the pandemic, I used to go to Harrogate Crime Writing Festival each summer. I was fortunate to meet a lot of authors during this time, and one of them was Ann Cleeves. When I saw her standing outside The Swann Hotel with 'Vera,' I decided to sidle over.
Ann introduced me to Brenda, and I did my best not to gush. I thought I was doing quite well. Then she said, 'have you met Kenny?' I shook his hand and said, No-oh.' And I was gobsmacked as I hadn't realised it was 'Aiden' until then.
And that's when I made a tit of myself, as usual... I was so star struck that I stroked the sleeve of his jacket, yes, reader, I did, and said. 'Oh, you're wearing the same coat as you do on set.' And I wittered on to Brenda that my fella loved the Landy she drove.
Gawd, Sherratt, what are you like!